Frequently Asked Questions

We're dedicated to delivering the best possible experience for our customers. Here are some of the frequently asked questions when working with Scorpion. If you have further questions, contact us.

  • How much is Scorpion Connect?

    Scorpion Connect is available free for 30 days then just $99 per month. That’s without any binding contracts, cancellation fees, or hidden costs. You’re free to cancel anytime.

  • How long is the trial? Is it really free?

    Right now, you can try out Scorpion Connect and everything it has to offer free for 30 days! After your trial ends, it’s just $99/month and you can cancel anytime.

  • What is Scorpion Connect?

    Scorpion Connect is an all-in-one plugin that works on any website. It includes AI Chat, which is like your own online assistant, always available to help website visitors by answering questions or encouraging them to request an appointment. It also includes online scheduling, payments, and a unified inbox for all of your customer-related communication. It has all the tools you need to build your best business.

    Go ahead, give it a try!

  • What does Scorpion Connect come with?

    Scorpion Connect includes AI Chat—a feature that uses the power of artificial intelligence to give real, helpful support to website visitors. You also get access to Scorpion Platform, which includes everything you need to run your best business: an inbox with all your communication in one place, an easy and secure payments system, online scheduling, and more.

    Connect gives you everything you need to easily stay connected with leads and customers, increase conversions like never before, and keep your finger on the pulse of everything related to your business.

  • What is the setup process?

    Setting up Scorpion Connect is easier than you might think. You can do it yourself by following our installation guide, you can schedule a time for us to walk you through the process, or you can send instructions to someone on your team.